IEEE-VPPC'10, Lille (France), September 2010
IEEE Vehicular Power Propulsion Conferences 2010
Further to the MEGEVH application at IEEE-VPPC'07, the group has obtained the organization of VPPC'10 in Lille, in front of several applications.
For information :

- IEEE-VPPC'08, Harbin (China), September 2008,
- IEEE-VPPC'09, Detroit (USA), September 2009,
- IEEE-VPPC'10, Lille (France), September 2010 (organized by MEGEVH),
- IEEE-VPPC'11, Chicago (USA), September 2011,
- IEEE-VPPC'12, Seoul (Korea), September 2012,
- IEEE-VPPC'13, Montreal (Canada), September 2013,

MEGEVH has organized IEEE VPPC 2010, Lille, 1-3 September 2010:
- 369 attendees from 35 countries,
- 5 tutorials, 9 Keynotes,
- 167 oral presentations, 104 poster presentations,
- 15 exhibitors, 2 technical visists, 1 awareness forum,
- a carbon care action with 2 mitigation projects.