
This part deals with the scientific support of MEGEVH: in seminars and workshops, the participation of the group in meetings and organizing or operating for the promotion of HEV's.

Lecture of Dr. C. Mi (University of Michigan), Lille, May 2009
MEGEVH network invited Dr. Chris Mi from the University of
Michigan, Dearborn, USA, to deliver a lecture on the importance and application of Lithium-ion batteries for plug-in HEVs. Around 25 participants attended this lecture and half of them were students.

- For the lecture subject: click here.
- For the lecture report: click here.

Seminar of Dr. Chris Mi at the University of Lille 1

Lecture of Prof. A. Emadi (Illinois Institute of Technology), Lille, January 2009
MEGEVH network invited Prof. Ali Emadi from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA, to deliver a lecture on his research and activities for the plug-in HEV
. In this seminar, around 40 participants were present and one fourth was students.

- For the lecture subject: click here,
- For the lecture report: click here,

Seminar of Prof. Ali Emadi at the University of Lille 1

Visit of Prof. C. C. Chan (University of Hong-Kong), Lille, Paris & Belfort, December 2008
MEGEVH network invited Prof. C. C. Chan of the University of Hong-Kong for a presentation on the "Hybrid Electric Vehicle and Market". Lectures were delivered at the University of Lille 1 and the University of Franche-Comté and contained the following outline:

"Hybrid Electric Vehicle and Market" (8 h.)
- Philosophy of engineering,
- Overview of electric vehicles,
- System configurations,
- Energy sources technology,
- Propulsion technology,
- Hybrid vehicles architectures,
- Commercialization.

Visit of Prof. C. C. Chan at the University of Lille 1

Seminar at ENSAM of Paris
"Philosophy of Engineering and Hybrid Electric Vehicles Technology" (2 h.)